We bring you Voice for Life.
At RSCM America, we uplift the spiritual life of our communities through the great tradition of sacred choral music. Sing with us at one of our 300 affiliates across the country. Learn from internationally-renowned clinicians and conductors at one of our Summer Choral Residencies. Belong to an ecumenical musical and spiritual community that nurtures intergenerational singing at the highest level.

RSCM America is an independent branch of the U.K.-based Royal School of Church Music. RSCM America affiliates receive Church Music Quarterly and Sunday by Sunday, among other benefits, as part of their yearly membership.
Summer Choral Residencies
RSCM America sponsors several Choral Residencies each summer. Each of the six Choral Residencies in 2024 are led by the top musicians in the country, and offer unique opportunities at each location. Head to the Choral Residencies page to find out more information about each Residency.
National Choir
The RSCM America National Choir is a dedicated, auditioned group of singers that goes on tour throughout the calendar year, most recently to the United Kingdom over Christmas in 2023. The National Choir will also sing Sunday services at St. Thomas Fifth Avenue, New York, on April 7, 2024, under the leadership of the next director. Find out more at the National Choir page.
Choral Festivals
RSCM America affiliates host shorter festivals around the country throughout the year. Head to our calendar of events page to learn more.

Summer Choral Residencies are often comprised of adults and youth, which nurtures a wonderful environment for music-making. Strict safeguarding protocols are followed throughout the year to ensure the safety of all participants.
Residencies take place from North Carolina and Washington, D.C., to Indiana, Texas, and Washington state. There is a residency near you, and people from churches near you who you’ll meet at a Choral Residency!
Music directors, organists, housemasters, and other adult leaders are some of the best musicians and leaders from across the country—and sometimes beyond!
Watch a recap of the
2024 Carolina Residency!
RSCM America sponsors several choral residencies around the country each year, and choristers come back year after year because of the experiences they have, the music they sing, and the bonds they forge. See what we mean in the video here: